Note that for some releases, MathWorks also issues updates, which address functionality or security concerns. MATLAB provides versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux, all released simultaneously with each release number. Release R2021a is the Spring 2021 release, and R2021b is the Fall 2021 release.

MathWorks issued new releases of MATLAB each spring and fall. To share material in MATLAB Drive to a whole class, you could use “create link” in MATLAB Drive and share the link through Quercus. Note: files shared through MATLAB Drive can only be accessed in the recipient’s Mathwork’s login (thus, each recipient must have one.) For course materials, it may be less work to keep distributing these through Quercus, where you can give access to all enrolled students without needing to enumerate each of their email addresses.

Faculty and staff wanting access to MATLAB Online (for course prep, e.g.) and MATLAB Drive (to distribute MATLAB code to MATLAB Online users) should contact chris.finley utoronto.ca with their Mathworks account email (preferably your or email) and ask to be added to the Individual Entitlement to gain access. Students access MATLAB Online via this TAH Portal link: MATLAB Online.
#Uninstall matlab toolboxes activation key#
You access MATLAB Online by logging in with your Mathworks login that is associated with UofT’s subscription–either directly, for students, or via ECE‘s subscription, for faculty and staff, by associating your Mathworks login with ECE‘s subscription using our Activation Key during account setup. UofT’s MATLAB subscription also gives access to MATLAB Online where you can run MATLAB code in a browser session, without installing the application on your computer.