
Refer to the "Resolutions for common issues" section to review common errors that can result in LDAP authentication failures along with how they can typically be resolved.If you are unable to identify and resolve the problem, create a BMC Support Case.10Creating a BMC Support CaseProvide the following information and log files when creating a case with BMC Customer Support:Scope of the issueAny recent changes to the environmentConfiguration detailsApplication Server logsExport of Application Server detailsViewing information about Application Servers xhtml false %26inlineFuture%3Dtrue%26inlineFutureManual%3Dtrue 120 15 0


Note the exact time of a recent failed LDAP Authentication attempt so this time can be cross-referenced with the collected logs.9Analyze error(s) found in Application Server logsReview the detailed error message found in the Application Server logs relating to the failed LDAP authentication attempt.


For example, jobservera_appserver.log, jobserverb_console.log, and so on.Collect the Application Server logs from each Application Server host. The names of the log files for other Application Server deployments are prefixed with the name of the deployment, connected with an underscore. These log files are located in the installDirectory/br/ directory on the Application Server: appserver.log*console.log**If you have multiple Application Server deployments, the specified log file names are the log files of the default Application Server deployment.


Diagnosing and reporting an issueTaskActionStepsReference1Understand the problem scope.Check the error message the is displayed when attempting to login to  using LDAP authentication.Example error messages from failed LDAP authentication attempt:trueimage_11-35-42.pngtrueimage_11-52-7.png2Understand the problem scope.Confirm that other Authentication types are working to make sure that the issue is not a widespread Application Server issue and is specific to LDAP authentication.If the SRP authentication also fails, it indicates that the issue is related to generic Application Authentication Server instead of only LDAP authentication.If other authentication types succeed (SRP, Domain, Auth) then the issue is specific to LDAP authentication.3Understand the problem scope.Has LDAP authentication previously been working successfully in this environment or is this the initial attempt at setting up LDAP authentication?4Understand the problem scope.Is the issue affecting all users or confined to specific users? For example, is any user in the environment able to use LDAP authentication successfully?5Understand the problem scope.If your environment contains multiple Application Servers, can users log in directly to any of these Application Servers or the log in issue occurs with specific Application Servers (CONFIG or ALL instance types)?6Identify recent changes.If LDAP authentication was previously working in this environment, are there any known changes since the last time it worked? For example,UpgradeAddition or migration of Application ServersModification of LDAP Servers (Upgrade, Patching, Migration, or Server replacement)Certificate changes7Capture configuration details.Note the number and type (Job, Config, All) of Application Servers in the environment.Note down the following blasadmin settings on each Application Server host:blasadmin -a show auth allblasadmin -a show ldap all8Identify and locate the Application Server log files.The following Application Server log files can be used to troubleshoot LDAP authentication issues.
